Integral water cycle
Emabesa is responsible for the integral water cycle in the town. With the highest environmental and safety standards, we take care of everything from catchment to recovery, including the population's consumption.
The water cycle for human supply is a fundamental process that involves several stages, from catchment to the supply of treated water to the population. The main steps of this cycle are detailed below:
This is the process of collecting water from natural sources, such as rivers, lakes, reservoirs, subway wells or springs in order to obtain raw water that will be treated to make it suitable for human consumption.
Transport of water from the catchment point to the treatment plant. This is done by means of aqueducts, pipes or canals to carry the captured water to the facilities where it will be treated.
In order to ensure that the water is safe for human consumption, complying with quality standards, a water purification process is carried out to remove contaminants and microorganisms. Common steps include:
- Pre-treatment: Removal of large solids and suspended particles.
- Pre-treatment: Removal of large solids and suspended particles.
- Coagulation and Flocculation: Addition of chemicals to agglutinate fine particles into flocs.
- Sedimentation: Addition of chemicals to agglutinate fine particles into flocs.
- Sedimentation: Flocs settle to the bottom of a settling tank.
- Sedimentation.
- Filtration: Passage of water through sand filters, activated carbon or other materials to remove remaining particles.
- Disinfection: Use of chlorine, ozone or ultraviolet light to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms.
Treated water is stored in tanks or reservoirs to ensure a constant supply to meet demand and maintain a stock of treated water available for distribution and consumption.
In order to supply drinking water in a continuous and efficient manner, water resources are distributed through a network of pipes that carry treated water from storage tanks to homes, businesses and industries.
Once it arrives at its source the water reaches the final consumer to be used for drinking, cooking, cleaning etc.
Wastewater Collection and Treatment
After use, wastewater is collected through sewer systems and taken to wastewater treatment plants. U
Return to the Environment
Treated water and treated wastewater are returned to nature, thus completing their cycle and ensuring the sustainability of water resources